Super Admin Tools

Experience the future of Zendesk administration with eZDesk Super Admin Tools. Designed to streamline your administrative processes, our all-in-one app offers unparalleled functionality, reducing manual errors and boosting efficiency.


Business Rules Evaluator app

Upgrade to Super Admin Tools Pro

Business Rules Inspector: Your Ticket Sidebar Companion

  • Problem: Ever faced the hassle of creating tickets or testing triggers in a live environment, risking disruptions?
  • Solution: Say hello to the Business Rules Inspector! Preview changes, assess potential impacts, and make informed decisions without causing any disruptions.
    • Live Change Viewer: Monitor ticket values in real-time.
    • Tag Management: Modify ticket tags even if agent tagging is deactivated.
    • User Emulation: Define the user type for your test.
    • Channel Simulation: Choose a communication channel to emulate.
    • Virtual Triggers: Specify which virtual triggers to include in the test.

Virtual Triggers Lab: Design & Test with Confidence

  • Problem: Hesitant about committing changes to Zendesk without testing them first?
  • Solution: The Virtual Triggers Lab is your safe space. Design, adjust, and test triggers without affecting your live environment.
    • Virtual Triggers Tab: Lists all your virtual triggers, allowing you to copy or remove any.
    • Edit Existing Trigger Tab: Modify an existing trigger in Zendesk and save as a virtual trigger to test before committing changes to Zendesk.
    • Create New Virtual Trigger Tab: Craft a new virtual trigger and decide its position in the Zendesk triggers list.

Why eZDesk Super Admin Tools?

  • All-in-One Solution: No need to juggle between multiple tools. eZDesk offers a comprehensive solution for all your Zendesk administrative needs.
  • User-Friendly: Intuitive design ensures you spend less time figuring things out and more time optimizing your operations.
  • Stay Ahead: With regular updates and new features, eZDesk ensures you’re always at the forefront of Zendesk administration.

Join the eZDesk revolution today!

This is just the beginning. Stay tuned for advanced features tailored to enhance your Zendesk workflows. Dive into the eZDesk experience and transform the way you work with Zendesk.